Monday, July 21, 2008


There was a time when I talked to my friend because I'm bothered of something... I said to her..."I don't want to stick with one person" [ "parang 'ayako magstick sa isang tao" ]... then she answered..." I'm talking to a playgir!!! "..["may kausap akong playgirl"] , and I was shocked hehe... (*kaw ba naman sbhan ng "playgirl"*) haha.. what I meant was that I just don't want commit to anyone else...yet. But now...I have realized that there were times that I was being "unfaithful" -- in my heart... 10%, in my mind...10%. Bad! :p I want to share this with you guys... I have read this and it triggered me to make this post.. :D

Signs of being Unfaithful

Over protection of their cell phone and other personal items like wallets or purses. Unexpected or unexplained nights away, at 'Friends'. Accusing YOU of being unfaithful. If they can do it, they will presume you could too. If you're a woman, follow your gut instinct.

-Not keeping in touch with you during the week (usually a guy you are dating will ask you out for the weekend)

-Always out with his buddies

-Not interested in what you have to say

-Doesn't bother to ask what is going on in your life

Isn't interested in your friends

-Is lethargic [ stupid ] , moody when with you

-Doesn't remember your birthday or other special occasions


-The smell of perfume

-Check for lipstick on especially his shirts

-Calls in the evening and the person hangs up

-Phone #'s your husband has and he doesn't explain whose they are

-You can always check his emails or any boards he is on online

-Receipts from hotels or motels

-Keep an eye on your Visa card for any transactions for jewelry, motels, hotels, rented vehicles, etc.

-Working more over-time than he use too

-Forgetting your birthday or anniversary (some men can forget and it doesn't mean they are cheating, but they will make up for it.)

-Not interested in any aspect of your life such as how your day went, if you want to go out for an evening or have friends over.

-A lack of interest in you, or having your friends over for a nice evening

-Never taking you out for dinner or a movie

These are but a few, but usually, if most women have a gut instinct follow through on it, but be warned, be sure you have proof and don't be the over-zealous type (or over jealous) and ruin your relationship.

Before you jump to conclusions it's type you both brushed up on your communication skills. So sit down one night and have a nice quiet chat and discuss your relationship.
For me,It's always wrong no matter how you spin it. If you are committed to someone, you should honor the relationship you have with him/her. "Your love one deserves your fidelity."

And if you are married, it's just mean that you accepted the covenant with your wife/husband and God.

"It is better to be told a hurtful truth than to be told a comforting lie.”