Thursday, July 3, 2008


The Chronicles of MFI:
The Cashier, the Guard and the Placement

The Cashier
Our school offers scholarship to less fortunate and "deserving” student, except to us IT students, the only course that is paying. So every before examination week, we are required to pay. Instead of preparing money, I prepared PN ( Promissory Note ) and I was doing that for "almost" 2 years I spent in MFI.( poor lei…) And because of that, I need to face and talk to “Miss P....” – school Accountant. I am uncertain and shy every time I do that but I’ve got no choice. It is really strange because I hide and even "run away" every time we [ Me and Miss P. ] come across in school or outside. Funny but true that's why my friends teased me to Miss P..... - “bestfriend ko daw” (my bestfriend)…LOL.

The Guard

Our school treated us as their own to the extent that we are like kindergarten. I don’t like it,in some ways. E very time we go inside and outside the school we will meet friendly guards – except one.There was this incident that I don’t have a class anymore, so I knew to myself that I could go out – but that bad guard blocked me. It was quite all right for me but the things he said and his facial expressions when he was talking pissed me off and spoiled my day. Badtrip! I’m not the type of person that easily gets angry but when it comes to that “cruel-harsh-inconsiderate” guard – I can’t control my anger. hehehe… When my friends knew about it… they made fun of me again that the guard is my bestfriend… 2nd bestfriend…LOL again…

The Placement
This is where we usually go to find a workplace to have our OJT course. But before placing us in any company, the placement teach us lots of things about work – work etiquettes, plans, blah…blah…blah… - with Miss K… Oh no! Not with her… At first she’s okay for me. But later… uhm… no comment. The story: I failed to pass my waiver on time, actually one month late and she asked me why, I just answered her that I forgot because I never gone to school since I started my OJT and I said to her that it was fine. It was fine with me, if they will credit my OJT hours just the time I passed the waiver. And unintentionally, what I have said made her angry. And that’s the story… my friends discovered what happened…then again they teased me…that Miss K… is my bestfriend… “my new bestfriend”… :D

've got lots of [unwanted] bestfriends... want some? hahaha....